Olive Oxygen

This was a story I wrote for biology.

This is the story of how I died. Also about how I was born and how I lived. Essentially this is my biography and it started with the sun. It was gleaming bright that summer day as the rays shined down on to the giant oak tree in the woods. Through the stomata the light and carbon dioxide entered the gateway into the oak. Then the glorious process of photosynthesis started! Oh how I love this part! The chloroplast that make the leaves such a rich green helps produce glucose and oxygen. Which is me. I’m Olive Oxygen and this is how I’m created, how I was born, through photosynthesis. It’s all part of the wondrous cycle of life! Or one type of life cycle. See next an animal comes along and eats food which is how they get glucose. Then through external respiration the animal breathes me in. It’s an adventure as I surge into their lungs, exploring it and seeing the Trachea, Bronchi, and Alveoli. It’s like seeing the Grand Canyon or another natural wonder! My new friend Capillaries introduce me to the red blood cells after I met aveoli. Then the blood lets me mingle with the sugar and slowly my life force fades away. I start to die as I swim in the stream of blood. I see mitochondria and hemoglobin as I finally fade away. But my life was not for naught as I became Co2, energy, and water. Cellular respiration keeps me alive even after I’ve gone! The circulatory lets me flow freely around and around.  But then I go back to the lungs, and with a blast I see the light. That glorious same light of the sun! And then, as carbon dioxide, I see the oak tree. I start again.  

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